Are you wanting a straighter smile but do not want wires and brackets to become a part of your smile? If so, come visit our dental practice, where we are pleased to offer Invisalign® clear aligners in Terrell, Texas! Dr. Scott Ervin, our dentist, is certified to align your smile with these custom-made, clear aligners. To learn whether Invisalign is right for your smile, contact our office today!

Invisalign treatment is a popular orthodontic system used to gradually move your teeth into a more ideal position. However, instead of the traditional metal brackets and wires, Invisalign treatment uses a series of clear plastic aligner trays. These custom trays fit comfortably over your teeth and, over time, guide them into place.

One of the reasons so many patients prefer Invisalign treatment is that the aligners are easily removable. That means you can continue to eat all your favorite foods and experience no interruptions to your oral hygiene routine. They are also virtually invisible while they are being worn, so no one needs to know about your ortho treatment!

Invisalign clear aligners produce the same quality results as traditional braces in a comparable time frame. If you are interested in learning about Invisalign or any of our other cosmetic services, we invite you to contact our office today at 972-563-1670. We look forward to helping you smile your best!